How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars Fast


Acne can be the embarrassing skin condition, and the marks it leaves behind are an unwelcome reminder of that. Whereas most acne scars will disappear on their own after several months, there are some things you can do to aid speed up the process and avoid further hyper pigmentation. Truthfully, you will not be able to make acne scars vanish in a single night, but the remedies, treatments and skincare tips outlined below will surely produce a noticeable difference over time. You just have to find the right method for your individual skin type.


  1. Apply fresh lemon juice. Lemon juice has a natural skin bleaching properties and can aid to effectively lighten your acne scars. Just combine equal parts lemon juice and water and apply this liquid straight onto your scars, shunning the surrounding skin. Wash off the lemon juice afterward 15 to 25 minutes or you could put the lemon juice on overnight. Recall moisturizing immediately after washing off the juice, as the citric acid present in the lemon can be very drying on the skin.
  2. Consider exfoliating with the baking soda. Baking soda can be utilized to exfoliate the skin and diminish the appearance of acne scars. All you have to do is mix one teaspoon of baking soda with the two teaspoons of water to form a liquid. Apply this paste all over your face with gentle circular motions to rub the baking soda on skin, concentrating on the marked areas, for about two minutes. Rinse off with the warm water.
  3. Use honey. Honey is a good natural solution for clearing up the pimples and reducing the red marks they leave behind. This is for the reason that honey contains antibacterial properties and aids to soothe the skin and diminish inflammation. Raw honey is the most effective. It can be applied directly to the scarred area.
  4. Experiment with the aloe Vera. The juice of the aloe Vera plant has a soothing natural which can be used to release many ailments, from burns to acne scars. Aloe Vera helps to revive and moisturize the skin, boosting acne scars to fade. It is probable to buy aloe Vera products in the drugstore, but the best thing to do is purchase an aloe Vera plant and make use of the sap from a broken leaf. This gel-like sap can be smeared directly on the scarring, and there is no desire to wash off.
  5. Use an ice cube. Ice is the particularly simple home remedy which can help to fade acne scars by comforting the inflamed skin and reducing redness. To use, simply wrap an ice cube in a clean cloth or piece of paper towel and hold it beside the scarred skin for a minute or two, till the area begins to feel numb.How-to-Get-Rid-of-Acne-Scars-Overnight

As a substitute of freezing regular water, you can freeze some strong green tea in ice cube tray and use the subsequent ice cubes on the acne scars. Green tea has anti-inflammatory properties which supplement the cooling effects of the ice.


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